alexandrite wintersky

viera - 38 - tank - omega



wingu: the mun- thought they would only ever have one oc in ffxiv, but can never stop at just one character- works in IT by trade, but often remembers they have a creative writing degree and occasionally puts it to good use- will they ever stop being anxious and actually roleplay with someone? a mystery for the ages

gendernon-binary (she/they)
namealexandrite wintersky
genderfemale (she/her)
serveromega (chaos)

alexandrite: the muse- initially created because a) yes tall bun girls and b) twelve above i need to learn how to tank without feeling anxious without a sprout icon- whilst her 'Rava' name is lost to the time before the calamity, their chosen adventuring name is based on the shifting nature of the gemstone as well as their favourite time of year- concidered young by viera standards, sometimes her headstrong nature is blamed on her immaturity, which causes her nothing but grief


Despite often cold and standoffish body language - an unfortunate holder of 'resting bitch face' - Alexandrite is the first to stand between an innocent and danger. At first they did this with reckless abandon for their own safety, but as their adventure continues she realises that in order to protect those who need it she needs to be alive in order to do so.

Upon her first steps into Limsa Lominsa, Alexandrite's only armour consisted of a pair of elbow high gauntlets; the rest of her body was free to move under a tanktop and leather trousers. She first donned sabatons when equipped with warmer attire given by House Fortemps, a thicker coat draped over a simple black hoodie and fishnet tights acompanying the gauntlets. Still so confident in herself, still wanting to keep some freedom of movement and individuality.
As talks of war loomed once more on the horizon on their journey to Gyr Abania, whilst waiting for news from the Great all she comissioned a breastplate to add on yet another piece to her armoury, and ever the seamstress Tataru gifted her a cape to try and keep cool in the hotter climates.

Where Hyur might call her on the cusp of middle-aged, other Viera will look upon Alexandrite as barely breaking puberty. Her mother may have approved of letting her leave the village 'so young', but some other adventuring Viera have looked down upon her for not staying with her family long enough. There was too much of the world to see, people to save to be confined to a forest for a century.

Though finally reunited with the Scions, barring those who had given their lives for plans to continue and succeed, Alexandrite heads forwards to warmer pastures in Gyr Abania to help reclaim Ala Mhigo from the tyranid rule of the Empire. Though still as headstrong as ever, as those who she has endebted herself to fall to the wayside, she keeps more things close to her chest than ever before.
She makes a friend in Hien, his surprising light-hearted nature in adversity ending up putting a smile on her face more often than not - helped by his competative spirit as well. The strength to come back to guide a nation that had once given up... it's something Alexandrite admires.

An annoyance in the back of her mind that she can't ignore, despite how often she catches her usually neutral expression softening when glancing his way. It doesn't stop her from responding to his flirtatious nature with a matching tone, knowing it was nothing more than harmless teasing on both their sides. At least, that's what she tells herself for now.
After their reunion (still trying not to think about his form after being released from the Flow spell), more complex feelings started to bubble at the surface. As he worked alongside Hilda, a jealousy she had no right to feel clouded over some of her usually more rational judgements, and whenever he comes to mind she pushes the thoughts back under lock and key. As Thancred stays behind alongside Urianger when she heads off to Gyr Abania and beyond, she wonders if she can at least keep whatever feelings she has under wraps for a little while longer.

WOL!Alexandrite is currently nearing the end of Stormblood, and the about will be updated as her journey develops!